
🤭🤭 Face with Hand Over Mouth EmojiUnicode: 1F92D

A giggly or shy expression.

Released in The 🤭 emoji was added to Emoji 5.0 in 2017 and represents emotions related to surprise, embarrassment, or suppressed laughter.


Meaning and Interpretation

"The 🤭 emoji shows a face partially obscured by a hand placed over the mouth. It conveys various emotions such as surprise, embarrassment, a feeling of guilt, or laughter that is trying to be suppressed. Often used in a cheeky or playful manner, it can also indicate someone keeping a secret or feeling shy."


  • Suppressed laughter or amusement that someone is trying not to let out.
  • An innocent or playful gesture, as if one is up to no good or hiding a secret.
  • Blushing or modesty, as if taken aback by a compliment or embarrassing situation.

Common Usage Scenarios

  • When you feel embarrassed or surprised by something.
  • To playfully suggest you know a secret but aren’t telling.
  • When trying to suppress laughter or feel cheeky about something funny.

Usage Examples in Conversation

I can’t believe I just said that out loud! 🤭
Oops, I accidentally spilled the beans 🤭
Did you seriously say that? 🤭
OMG, I can’t stop laughing at that joke! 🤭
You caught me sneaking that last cookie 🤭

Usage Guidelines and Etiquette

  • Use in light-hearted, playful, or cheeky moments when you want to imply surprise, embarrassment or suppressed amusement.
  • May not be suitable in formal conversations or professional settings as it carries a playful or casual tone.
  • Be cautious when using to avoid misunderstandings—depending on context, it could be perceived as sarcastic or teasing.

Related Emojis


Flushed Face

Represents extreme embarrassment or surprise with a look of wide eyes and rosy cheeks.


Grinning Face with Sweat

Used to show nervousness, awkwardness, or stressed relief.


Grimacing Face

Conveys awkwardness or a difficult situation, often used to show discomfort.


Speak-No-Evil Monkey

Indicates reluctance to speak or share something, often used playfully.


See-No-Evil Monkey

Represents shyness or embarrassment, often used when someone sees something awkward or shocking.


Hushed Face

A quiet or surprised demeanor, often used when someone is taken aback.


Rolling on the Floor Laughing

Emphatically expresses uncontrollable laughter or amusement.


Smiling Face with Halo

Used to convey innocence or to playfully suggest you’ve behaved well.


Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes

Conveys intense love or affection for someone or something.


Winking Face

A playful wink often used to imply humor, flirtation, or a hidden message.