
๐Ÿ•œ๐Ÿ•œ 1:30 O'clock (Half Past One) Emoji EmojiUnicode: 1F55C

Represents the time 1:30.

Released in Released as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and included in Emoji 1.0.

clocktime1:30afternoonmorninghalf past onescheduleappointmentworktiming

Meaning and Interpretation

"The ๐Ÿ•œ emoji is a clock face showing the time as 1:30. It can represent different times of day, such as 1:30 PM in the afternoon or 1:30 AM at night. Itโ€™s versatile and can be used in discussions about appointments, schedules, or general mentions of time passing."


  • Punctuality: It can serve as a symbol for being on time or being conscious of specific time frames.
  • Precision: Indicating the exact minute and hour helps convey a sense of accuracy or careful planning.
  • Routine: Often, it refers to a regular daily event, such as lunch break at 1:30 PM or appointments.

Common Usage Scenarios

  • When scheduling an appointment at 1:30 PM or AM.
  • To reference meeting someone or doing something at a specific time.
  • To symbolize the passing of time or when something is half past true.

Usage Examples in Conversation

๐Ÿ•œ Donโ€™t forget, our meeting is exactly at 1:30 PM!
I will pick you up around ๐Ÿ•œ after my class.
Looks like itโ€™s already ๐Ÿ•œโ€ฆ where did the time go?
We have lunch at ๐Ÿ•œ every day, want to join us tomorrow?
Itโ€™s half past midnight ๐Ÿ•œ, almost time for bed!

Usage Guidelines and Etiquette

  • Use ๐Ÿ•œ to reference either the AM or PM version of 1:30, depending on the context.
  • It's great for illustrating time-specific contexts like meetings or deadlines, but make sure the person you're speaking to is aware of the time zone.
  • Use this emoji in everyday conversations to show proficiency with timing or express urgency.

Related Emojis


2:00 O'clock

A clock face showing the time at 2:00.


3:00 O'clock

A clock face showing the time at 3:00.


Alarm Clock

A traditional analog alarm clock symbol, used to represent time or waking up.



A calendar used to represent specific dates or schedules.



An hourglass, showing that time is passing or coming to an end.


10:00 O'clock

A clock face showing the time at 10:00.


12:00 O'clock

A clock face showing the time at 12:00.


Tear-Off Calendar

A single-page calendar typically used to represent a specific date.


6:30 O'clock

A clock face showing the time at 6:30.



Used to symbolize time running out.