
๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“‰ Declining Chart Emoji EmojiUnicode: 1F4C9

A downward-facing line chart.

Released in First introduced in 2010 as part of Unicode 6.0, this emoji represents negative trends, especially in finance and statistics.

decliningchartlossbusinessnegative trenddecreasestatisticsdownwardfalleconomics

Meaning and Interpretation

"The ๐Ÿ“‰ Declining Chart Emoji represents a graph or chart showing negative growth, decline, or a downward trend. It often signifies loss, decrease in value, or poor performance, particularly in business or financial contexts, but can extend to any situation involving a negative shift."


  • Financial Loss: It often symbolizes stock market crashes, revenue losses, or other financial problems.
  • Failure: Used to illustrate failure or unsuccessful efforts in various scenarios.
  • Decline in Performance: May symbolize the drop in quality, popularity, or performance of something, such as a project, relationship, or company.

Common Usage Scenarios

  • When expressing a drop in stock or market values.
  • Discussing the failure of a project or plan at work.
  • Describing a decline in personal situations such as health or mood.

Usage Examples in Conversation

My portfolio has been doing terribly today ๐Ÿ“‰. I might need to switch strategies!
Looks like sales are down again this quarter ๐Ÿ“‰. We need to rethink our approach.
Ugh, my motivation levels are dropping fast this week ๐Ÿ“‰.
After all these chaotic meetings, itโ€™s no wonder the project is failing ๐Ÿ“‰.
We lost a lot of subscribers this month ๐Ÿ“‰. Let's assess why this happened.

Usage Guidelines and Etiquette

  • Used primarily to represent negative trends, so apply it in situations where something is declining or experiencing a downturn.
  • Avoid using it in overly serious contexts, as the emoji could come across too lighthearted in dire situations such as major financial crises.
  • Itโ€™s typically paired with other financial emojis like ๐Ÿ’น or ๐Ÿ“Š for deeper clarity.

Related Emojis


Chart Increasing with Yen

A growing trend in finance, often shown with profit in yen currency.


Bar Chart

Represents statistical data, often used in business and presentational contexts.


Increasing Chart

Shows an upward or positive trend or performance growth.


Money with Wings

Represents financial losses, unexpected expenses, or disappearing wealth.


Declining Chart

A downward trend, representing loss or failure.


Red Downwards Arrow

Often used to indicate a decrease or loss, especially related to stock market values.


No Entry

Represents restrictions, limitations, or prohibiting something, including financial or legal contexts.


Cross Mark

Often used to symbolize something that went wrong or failed.


Persevering Face

Shows frustration or struggle when experiencing a negative trend or hardship.


Broken Heart

Symbolizes heartbreak, loss, or deep disappointment.