8️⃣8️⃣ Keycap Digit Eight Emoji EmojiUnicode: 0038 FE0F 20E3
The number 8 in keycap format.
Released in Introduced as part of Unicode 3.0 in 1999 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.
Meaning and Interpretation
"The 8️⃣ emoji represents the number 8 in keycap form. It's often used to denote the number itself or something related to a sequence, ranking, or countdown. It can also symbolize infinity due to its resemblance to the mathematical symbol when rotated."
- Numeral Symbol: Represents the number 8.
- Infinity: When rotated, 8 is often synonymous with the infinity symbol (∞).
- Completeness: In various cultures and numerologies, 8 signifies completion or achievement.
Common Usage Scenarios
- To specify the number 8 in a sequence or countdown.
- In mathematical contexts, such as when talking about the numbers 1-10.
- To represent a ranking, like 8th place in a competition.
Usage Examples in Conversation
I'll be there in 8️⃣ minutes!
Today marks the 8️⃣th anniversary of our company 🎉.
Can you believe it's already 8️⃣ months into the year?
She placed 8️⃣th in the competition, and that's still a great achievement!
My lucky number is 8️⃣, what's yours?
Usage Guidelines and Etiquette
- Use when you need to represent the number 8 in text, rankings, or sequences.
- Avoid excessive use in casual conversation to prevent confusion.
- While it resembles the infinity symbol when rotated, use the actual ∞ symbol for clarity in most formal contexts.